Thursday, December 26, 2019

Christianity Christian Or Pagan - 1264 Words

Christian or Pagan? What if Paul had not converted to Christianity? Paul is the reason why we have Christianity today. On his trail to becoming Christian, he faced a lot of challenges one being thrown into prison, but it did not stop him from perusing what he believed in. So if Paul had never converted to Christianity, it would not have spread to the Roman Empire, and it would have never been legalized, therefore it would not be a common religion today. Saint Paul was born in 2 AD in Tarsus, Cilicia, modern-day Turkey. Saint Paul went by many different names, some being St. Paul of Tarsus, and the Apostle to the Gentles. During his early years he was Jewish and was trained as a rabbi. Later in life, Paul decided to convert to†¦show more content†¦Paul listened to what Jesus told him to do and he eventually converted to Christianity. After converting, he regained his vision and fought for Christianity. After seeing him convert, the Jewish community viewed him with hostility and sometimes suspicion. Paul s main goal was to take Christianity from Jerusalem throughout the eastern parts of the Roman Empire. Though the future of Christianity did not look promising, St. Paul still thrived to legalize and spread the religion. Paul found Christianity important to him because he claimed it had a message for everyone and everything in the world. Paul s actions affected many people, in a god way, that lived after him.. He composed many doctrines (principles or rules) of the church and interpreted the words and teachings of Jesus for his followers throughout Asia Minor, Greece, and other areas around the Mediterranean Sea (World Religion Reference Library). If it were not for Paul, Christian churches probably would not have survived. After converting to Christianity, Paul s main goal was to spread the religion from Jerusalem to the eastern provinces of the Roman Empire, and eventually capital itself. He had a vision that the new religion had a message that was app ealing to everyone, not just the Jews. His dealt with many punishments, some being: beating, stoning, imprisonment, etc., but he still found a way to spread the religion and legalize it in the

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Data Dre Damaging How Race Influences School Funding

Within the United States everyday many people from different races experience discrimination within every aspect of there lives. One aspect is within the school systems that they are having to attend. The funding between the school systems in the United States and in different areas within those states has a large gap. This gap was so large that within the, â€Å"The Atlantic† a credible news article wrote about how race within the schools influences how much that school is going to receive funding. In the article called, â€Å" The Data Dre Damaging: How race Influences School Funding† it states, â€Å"That means that no matter how rich or poor the district in question, funding gaps existed solely based on the racial composition of the school. Just the increased presence of minority students actually deflated a district’s funding level† (White). If this is true what is to say that every school in America is still doing this kind of discrimination. This ki nd of discrimination on needs to end immediately. Just because these young children are growing up in the poorer sections of town doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t have the same rights as other kids. Every child in America should have the same access to a quality education. While education for children in America is horrible but the amount of them having to deal with food insecurity at home also it alarming. According to No Kid Hungry website around 11.8% of whites are insecurity for food and 29.3% of black and 26.0% of hispanics in

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Platos Phaedo Essay Example For Students

Platos Phaedo Essay In Platos Phaedo, Socrates is explaining to his friends that the acquiring knowledge comes from a recollection of things from a previous life. Socrates uses this as a way to comfort his friends. Based on this, according to Socrates, if a human being can learn anything, they must have known something about what it is they are learning about. If a human being has known something without having been taught it (in this life), they must have learned it before their birth. If the soul existed prior to birth it stands to reason that it survives death, and thus Socrates friends have no cause for grief. This prior knowledge is triggered into consciousness by sensory input. Plato is trying to work beyond a two-fold paradox. Namely, if a human being does not know something, they cannot learn it since they know nothing about it. If, on the other hand, a person knows it, they do not need to learn it. When Crito asks Socrates how he wishes to be buried when he dies, this is a mistake because it shows his lack of understanding. Critos lack of understanding lies in the fact the he doesnt understand how the soul survives the body at death, and in fact Socrates will still in actuality be alive. By making this mistake, according to Socrates, he Crito is harming the soul. If Crito were in understanding of this, he would not have asked Socrates about burying his body, because Socrates is not merely a body, but rather the body is a casing for the spirit and who he is. Socrates does not take Critos question seriously because to Socrates the body is not the basis of who he is. To Socrates, the fact that his body is going to die does not mean he will be dead. In fact, his soul will go on, be born in a different body, and go back to learning what the soul seeks to know. Socrates wants Crito to know that he will not be burying him, but instead just his body. Socrates is justified in his response to Critos question because Critos question goes against everything that Socrates says and stands for. I think that Socrates is upset with Crito for being so ignorant. He shows this by laughing at Crito for his question. He also shows this by telling the others that Crito only sees him as the body he will be burying, rather that the person talking to them. When it came time for Socrates to drink the poison, Crito again shows his lack of understanding by asking Socrates to wait awhile before taking it. Crito wants Socrates to try and enjoy the last bit of life that he can enjoy. Socrates again puts Crito in his place by saying that any human being would do this, but it is not right for Socrates. Socrates does not want to appear ridiculous for clinging to life when there is none left. Overall Socrates is trying to tell human beings that life is nothing more than an opportunity for the soul to learn what it is in search for. The human body is nothing more than an instrument for the soul to use. A person should not fear or run from death, but rather look at it as a chance for the soul to move on to something else and to another chance to learn more based on what was already learned

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Christ Complex in Literature free essay sample

Our culture and society has changed and evolved so much over the many years humans have been alive. Not only has our culture changed over time, it’s also so different wherever you go. This is most easily seen in classic literature. Literature and books come in all different shapes, sizes, time periods, and perspectives. With all this variety it’s difficult to find a common ground in all these pieces of literature, something to connect them all to a single point. Well, it might be easier to connect certain pieces of literature than you may think. With the constant change and evolution in society and literature, there has almost always been one constant, Jesus Christ. Christianity has been around for over 2,000 years. It has barely ever changed, being one of the most followed religions in the world. And in many pieces of literature, no matter how different, there are characters and concepts that represent Jesus Christ. We will write a custom essay sample on The Christ Complex in Literature or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These characters and concepts are considered Christ Figures. To prove this â€Å"Christ Complex† theory three classic pieces of literature will be analyzed to look for Christ Figures. Perhaps books young adults have to read in an introductory class on literature in a community college. Books like Uncle Tom’s Cabin, The Jungle, and The Grapes of Wrath come to mind. If this theory holds, each of these books have either a Christ Figure or a Christ Concept (more on that later) within them. Identifying a Christ Figure can be a bit difficult since there is no set guideline on how to find one. The easiest way to find a Christ Figure in a piece of literature is to look for parallels between the character and the life of Jesus Christ. Look for similarities of their birth or name. Is the character’s mother named Mary or similar to Mary? Was his father royal? You can also look at the character’s qualities that are similar to Christ. Is the character misunderstood by many others? Is the character often sympathetic to others and is always helping out? Is the character associated with light? Do ‘miracles’ often happen around this character? Are they often punished for their beliefs? There are many other similarities you can look at when looking for a Christ Figure. This character doesn’t have to be an exact replica of Christ, but spotting three or four strong parallels would be a good indication that person is a Christ Figure. That is the crite ria that will be used to identify a Christ Figure in the three books being analyzed. Uncle Tom’s Cabin is the first book being put under the microscope. Uncle Tom’s Cabin takes place pre-Civil War and is about the life of a slave, Uncle Tom. Finding the Christ Figure in this book is pretty easy. The protagonist in this book, Uncle Tom, resembles Jesus’s life and character in many different ways, right up to his death. No one knows much about Tom’s early childhood, just like Jesus. His character is very similar to that of Jesus’s. He’s kind and caring almost to a fault. He goes out of his way to help and heal others, even at the risk of his own harm. He is sympathetic of everyone he meets and tends to see the ‘truth’ behind them. For example Tom knew the faults of St. Clare and tried to help him by showing him religion and faith. The most we see Tom as a Christ Figure is when he is sent to Legree’s plantation in the last part of the book. During this time Tom is beaten time and time again, both physically, emotionally, and spiritually. He is often punished for his ideals and moral code, just like Christ was. He suffered just as much, if not more, as everyone else around him, but he stilled tried to help those who were suffering alongside of him. There were times when he just wanted to give up, but he pulled through: In the end though, Tom pulls through and withstands his doubts and even attempts to encourage others to be as strong as he is in his faith even though he is beaten ends up dying. I can see Jesus in every aspect of Tom, unlike Eva. Even when Tom has flickering doubts in his faith it reminds me of the part in the Bible when Jesus cries out, ‘My God, my god, why have you forsaken me?’ Jesus seems to have similar thoughts that Tom has about his life when Jesus is being crucified (Gallo 1). Even Tom’s death was similar to that of Christ’s. He died so that two others could live. Two slave girls were escaping and the only other person who knew of their plan was Tom, but he wouldnt tell Legree, even when threatened with death. Tom know that he could save those girls, and he knew he would die anyway. He even forgives Legree for all of his wrong doings: â€Å"Tom opened his eyes, and looked upon his master. ‘Ye poor miserable critter!’ He said, ‘there aint no more ye can do! I forgive ye, with all my soul!’ And he fainted entirely away.† (Stowe 584) Just like Jesus, Tom forgave the person who did this to him. When Jesus was crucified there was two prisoners with him who were also being crucified. One of the prisoners knew he was Jesus and trusted in his power and speaks kindly of him, while the other mocks him. The first prisoner ask Jesus to remember him in the Holy Kingdom. In response, Jesus said, â€Å"Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.† Even on his deathbed Jesus saved one more soul. So did Tom. Two of Legrees slaves, Sambo and Qimbo, came to Tom and asked for forgiveness for the way they had treated him, along with asking who Jesus was. These two people finally realized what they have done, any knowing there was no hope for them. In response to this Tom says something that sounded similar to what Jesus said to the criminal, â€Å"‘Poor critters!’ said Tom, ‘Id be willing to bar’ all I have, if itll only bring ye to Christ! O, Lord! give me these two more souls, I pray!’† (Stowe 585) These are only a few similarities between the character Tom and Jesus. Just like Jesus, Tom represents hope and faith when there is none to be had. They both give the people around them strength to do what is right and just. Tom from Uncle Tom’s Cabin is most definitely a Christ Figure. The next book on the hit list is The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. This book was about immigrants, specifically Lithuanians, who come to Chicago in the meat processing factories. Everyone who came to work expected to make tons of money. Long story short none of them make a good living, they all go through horrific events, and they almost all (spoiler alert) eventually die. Literally the plot of the entire book is everything sucks all the time. Because this book wasnt well written, it was difficult to find an actual Christ Figure in it. Some characters came and went so fast that they were introduced in one chapter and then died in that same chapter. After analyzing the entire book looking for a Christ Figure, there was unfortunately none to be found. When all hope seemed to be lost for this theory, a realization occurred. The Jungle doesn’t have a single Christ Figure, it has an entire Christ Concept! The whole reason why Upton Sinclair wrote The Jungle was to show how capitalism was destroying these immigrants who came to work in America. It showed how these poor people were cheated and beaten by the system, how they had no real hope to survive in this urban jungle of capitalism. Upton Sinclair is portraying capitalism as a terrible evil. Thus the opposite of capitalism would be the Christ Figure, or more appropriately, the Christ Concept. That system would be none other than socialism. Socialism is shown as the savior in this book, the only thing that could save these people from the evils of capitalism. The biggest example of socialism in The Jungle were the Unions. They were all about equal rights for the workers in the meatpacking factories. The unions brought the lower class immigrants together to fight for their rights to survive and make a living, just like how Christ and his followers fought for the rights and sins of others. They fight for those who cannot fight themselves. Whether or not it’s through peace, they are both fighting for what t hey believe is right. Unfortunately, this economic and political system is misunderstood by many and looked down upon, just like how Christianity and Jesus was first looked down upon in their early years. Socialism is battling the â€Å"evils† of capitalism (at least in Sinclairs perspective), just like how Jesus is battling the evils in the word. Socialism makes a nice parallel to the Christ figure if we consider capitalism as evil, just like how Sinclair did. The point of socialism is to change or break up capitalism, create an economic and political system that is controlled by the government, and everything is shared equally with everyone. According to Funk Wagnalls, this can be achieved by the: Reconstruction of the existing capitalist or other political system of a country through peaceful, democratic, and parliamentary means. The doctrine specifically advocates nationalization of natural resources, basic industries, banking and credit facilities, and public utilities. It places special emphasis on the nationalization of monopolized branches of industry and trade, viewing monopolies as inimical to the public welfare. (1) The theory of socialism is to advocate change through peace and democratic means. Although in practice it doesnt always work out like that, in it’s original and purest state thats how socialists try to change the wrongs in the world. This is similar to how Christ tries to change the wrongs he sees by helping people peacefully. Thus, from this perspective, The Jungle’s Christ Concept would be socialism, a virtual savior for the underclass people. Finally, the last classic piece of literature that will be put under the Christ microscope would be The Grapes of Wrath. This book by John Steinbeck revolves around the Great Depression, along with the Dust Bowl in states like Oklahoma. We follow the Joads family and their close friends as they travel to the â€Å"great† state of California to find better work on the famous Route 66. One character that stuck out was Jim Casy. Jim Casy was formerly a preacher in Oklahoma, but quite due to some pending circumstances that arent important to this paper. From the beginning the connection between Jim Casy and Jesus Christ were evident. It was actually so obvious that in the book Jim Casy even points out similarities between himself and Christ, but in a philosophical way: ‘I aint sayin’ Im like Jesus,’ the preacher went on. ‘But I got tired like Him, an’ I got mixed up like Him, an’ I went into the wilderness like Him, without no campinâ€℠¢ stuff. Nighttime Id lay on my back an’ look up at the stars; morning Id set an’ watch the sun come up; midday Id look out from the hill at the rollin’ dry country; evenin’ Id foller the sun down. Sometimes Id pray like I always done. On’y I couldn figure out what I was prayin’ to or for. There was the hills, an’ there was me, an’ we wasnt separate no more. We was one thing. An’ that one thing was holy.’ (Steinbeck 81) That by itself says a lot. Casy is stating that hes had similar experiences to Christ while trying to figure out how the world works. He came to the realization that everything is all connected in one big spirit. Jim Casy also decided to travel with the Joads to be a ‘spiritual leader’ and to ‘care for those who needed him’. Those were two of Jesus’s main goals, to be a spiritual leader and to help those in need. Jim Casy is giving of himself for those who needed him. Along with Casy’s ideals and experiences, one of the strongest points connecting him and Christ is his death: As acknowledged by many scholars, Casy’s death towered the end of the novel closely resembles the story of Christ’s passion. Casy is killed while resisting the police during a union strike, which he had helped organize, against the injustice of lawowners. He knows the extreme risk he is taking, but he remains unwavering in his conviction nevertheless. (McCoppin 40) Jesus knows there was a risk he was taking when he was helping others and showing the Christian way, but he did it anyway because he knew it was the right thing to do. Unfortunately he died on the cross because of it. Jim Casy died doing what he thought was right, fighting for his rights and the rights of others. That was a noble cause. Right before he died, Jim Casy said something to his killers that sets this theory in stone: â€Å"You fellas don’ know what youre doin’. Youre helpin’ to starve kids.† (Steinbeck 386) His killers yell at him to shut up, and he says it again. Why is that statement so important? Other than the fact it shows Casy’s character and forgiveness, it also resembles Christs last plead to God before he dies on the cross: â€Å"forgive them, for they know not what they do† (Luke 23:34). Its almost uncanny the similarities to these statements. Jim Casy and Jesus Christ are so similar to each other that some scholars have said they are almost carbon copies. Even their initials, J.C., are identical. There is little doubt that Jim Casy represents Jesus Christ in The Grapes of Wrath. The evidence is there, right down to the last breath. The three books that were analyzed all showed prominent Christ Figures and Christ Concepts. For Uncle Tom’s Cabin it was Tom, the slave that always carried a bible around and would do no harm to anyone even at risk of death. In The Jungle socialism represented Christ, due to its battle against the ‘evils’ of capitalism and its representation as the ‘savior’ for the immigrants who were struggling to survive. In The Grapes of Wrath the uncanny resemblance to Jesus Christ was Jim Casy, the former preacher who has had similar experiences to Christ from their name right up to the last words that uttered. Each of these characters and concepts have shown they can be strong even in the darkest of times. Even when they stray from their path of good, they always find their way back to the right and will stick with it till the end. But a question still remains. Whats the purpose of all these characters who represent Christ? The answer to that question might be the same reason why people go to church every Sunday and pray when they need help in their darkest times, and that reason is hope. The point of the Christ Figure might just be that they give the other characters in the novel hope when there is no hope to be had, just like how Jesus and religion gives people this crazy and scary world hope. In all of these books the characters are in impossible situations where there seems to be no hope in sight. That’s where the Christ Figure comes in, they give hope. All of these authors might be trying to say that as long as there is hope, you can get through anything and stay on the right path. Hope is message these people are giving us. They are showing us that even when everything is grim, there is alway hope, and tomorrow will come. Works Cited Gallo, Marina. Jesus vs. Tom and Eva in Uncle Toms Cabin. N.p., 06 Apr. 2006. Web. 01 May 2017. History Of Christianity. AllAboutReligion. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 May 2017. McCoppin, Rachel. The Many Faces of Jesus in Steinbecks The Grapes ofWrath. Studies in the Literary Imagination, vol. 46, no. 2, Fall2013, p.35. Socialism. Funk Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, 2016, p. 1p. 1. Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath. New York, New York: Penguin Classics ,1992. Print. Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Uncle Toms Cabin. New York, New York: PenguinClassics, 1986. Print.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Estee Lauder Case 1 Analysis Essays

Estee Lauder Case 1 Analysis Essays Estee Lauder Case 1 Analysis Paper Estee Lauder Case 1 Analysis Paper Lauder| | Table of Contents Case Abstract3 Vision Statement Mission Statement4 Vision Statement:4 Mission Statement:4 External Audit5 Opportunities Threats5 Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM)6 External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix7 Internal Audit8 Strengths Weakness8 Financial Ratio Analysis9 Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix10 SWOT Matrix11 SPACE Matrix12 Internal External Matrix13 Recommendations14 Case Abstract The Estee Lauder Companies Inc. engages in the manufacture, marketing, and sale of skin care, makeup, fragrance, and hair care products worldwide. It offers skin care products, including moisturizers, creams, lotions, cleansers, sun screens, and self-tanning products; and makeup products, which consist of lipsticks, lip glosses, mascaras, foundations, eye shadows, nail polishes, and powders, as well as related items, such as compacts, brushes, and other makeup tools. The company provides its fragrances products in various forms, including sprays and colognes, lotions, powders, creams, and soaps. Its hair care products comprise hair color and styling products, shampoos, conditioners, and finishing sprays. The Estee Lauder Companies sells its products under the Estee Lauder, Aramis, Clinique, Prescriptives, Lab Series, Origins, M A C, Bobbi Brown, La Mer, Aveda, Jo Malone, Bumble and bumble, Darphin, American Beauty, Flirt! , Good Skin, Grassroots, and Ojon brand names. It also operates as a licensee for fragrances and/or cosmetics sold under the Tommy Hilfiger, Kiton, Donna Karan, Michael Kors, Sean John, Missoni, Daisy Fuentes, Tom Ford, and Mustang brand names. The company sells its products through department stores, specialty retailers, upscale perfumeries, pharmacies, salons, and spas, as well as through company-owned stores, spas, and Web sites; authorized retailer Web sites; stores on cruise ships; in-flight and duty-free shops; and self-select outlets. The Estee Lauder Companies Inc. was founded in 1946 and is based in New York, New York. Vision Statement Mission Statement Vision Statement: Bringing the Best to Everybody We Touch Mission Statement: We are a family company committed to working together with uncompromising ethics and integrity. We strive to always: 1. Provide customers with innovative cosmetic products of the highest quality. 2. Deliver outstanding service by treating each individual as we ourselves would like to be treated. 3. Create an environment that fosters personal growth and well being. 4. Build partnership with our suppliers, retailers and colleagues based on fairness and trust. 5. Enhance our reputation of image, style and prestige. 6. Pursue profit, but never at the expense of quality, service or reputation. 7. Eliminate waste and reduce inefficiencies in order to provide maximum value to our customers. 8. Be responsible citizen in every community we serve. External Audit Opportunities Threats Opportunities 1. Expected growth in the personal products industry is fueled by rising demand from emerging and developing markets. 2. Optimization of brand portfolio. 3. Strengthening of global markets 4. Expansion of global markets 5. Diversification of distribution channel 6. The world’s aging population represents an increased investment in the cosmetic industry. | Threats 1. Domination of the Asian department store channel 2. Australia has a slower and difficult retail environment particularly in the fragrance category. 3. Unemployment rate increase will disable Americans to buy the high-end products 4. The use of aerosols fluorocarbons in products damaging the environment. 5. Animal testing for new products | Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) Companies indentify strengths and weaknesses of current and potential competitors. This analysis provides both an offensive and defensive strategic context through which to identify opportunities and threats. Competitor profiling coalesces all of the relevant sources of competitor analysis into one framework in the support of efficient and effective strategy formulation, implementation, monitoring and adjustment. We used the same idea with Estee Lauder, L’Oreal, and Revlon. L’Oreal and Revlon is a real big competitor for Estee Lauder. Estee Lauder and L’Oreal perform above average on the CPM analysis. Revlon performed average compared how Estee Lauder and L’Oreal rated. | | Estee Lauder| L’Oreal| Revlon| Critical Success Factor| Weight| Rating| Score| Rating| Score| Rating| Score| Advertising| . 13| 3| . 39| 4| . 52| 4| . 52| Product Quality| . 12| 4| . 48| 4| . 48| 3| . 36| Price Competitiveness| . 10| 2| . 20| 4| . 28| 4| . 28| Management| . 12| 3| . 36| 2| . 4| 2| . 24| Financial Position| . 10| 3| . 30| 3| . 30| 3| . 30| Customer Loyalty| . 12| 3| . 36| 3| . 36| 3| . 36| Global Expansion| . 09| 4| . 36| 2| . 18| 2| . 18| Sales Distribution| . 08| 3| . 24| 3| . 24| 2| . 16| Manufacturing| . 07| 3| . 21| 3| . 21| 3| . 21| Research and Development| . 07| 2| . 14| 2| . 14| 2| . 14| Total:| 1. 00| | 3. 04| | 2. 95| | 2. 75| External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Ma trix An External Factor Evaluation (EFE) allows strategies to summaries and evaluate economic, social, and cultural factor through the uses of a numerical rating. In our case we evaluated the EFE of Estee Lauder. By numerically scaling Estee Lauder’s opportunities and threats we analyzed the importance of the programs they have to offer. First assigning each factor a weight of importance from 0. 0 to 1. 0, letting 0. 0 (least important) and 1. 0 (most important). Next we rated between 1 and 4 each key external factor to indicate how effective Estee Lauder structure. Finally multiplying the weight and the rating we got a score the show how effective each factor was. Key External Factors| Weight| Rating| Weighted Score| Opportunities| | | | 1. Expected growth in the personal products industry is fueled by rising demand from emerging and developing markets. | 0. 08| 2| 0. 16| 2. Optimization of brand portfolio. | 0. 10| 3| 0. 30| 3. Strengthening of global markets| 0. 10| 3| 0. 30| 4. Expansion of global markets| 0. 10| 3| 0. 30| 5. Diversification of distribution channel| 0. 09| 3| 0. 27| 6. The world’s aging population represents an increased investment in the cosmetic industry| 0. 08| 2| 0. 16| Threats| | | | 1. Domination of the Asian department store channel| 0. 09| 2| 0. 18| 2. Australia has a slower and difficult retail environment in the fragrance category| 0. 9| 2| 0. 18| 3. Unemployment rate increase will disable Americans to buy the high end product. | 0. 13| 4| 0. 52| 4. The use of aerosols and fluorocarbons with damaging the environment. | 0. 09| 2| 0. 18| 5. Animal testing for new products| 0. 05| 1| 0. 05| Total:| 1. 0| | 2. 60| Internal Audit Strengths Weakness Strengths 1. Sells products through ups cale department stores, specialty retailers, and prestige salons. 2. Has 26 brands, sells products over 130 countries a territories. 3. One of the first major cosmetic firms to offer online shopping. 4. Prestige pricing is an effective strategy given the target markets 5. First company to offer free samples and gift with purchase. 6. In 2006, the travel retail business comprised approximately 7% of total sales and 20% of operating income 7. First industry to introduce consistent brand imagery around the world 8. The company uses celebrities as endorsers in the testimonial advertising| Weakness 1. Does not sell at lower class retail outlets. 2. They do not put FDA warning labels on the products. 3. Increase in long term debt from 2006 to 2007 from 698. 2 million to 1,404. 7 million. | Financial Ratio Analysis The financial ratios are computed from both the income statement and balance sheet. Comparing ratios over time and used to industry averages is more likely to result in meaningful statistics that can be used to identify and evaluate strengths and weakness. Financial factors often alter existing strategies and change implementation plans. For Estee Lauder, we were only able to compute 4 of the financial ratios. The four financial ratios that we were able to compute were Return on Total Assets (ROA), Return on Equity, Net Profit Margin and Revenue per Share. The figures I used to compute the ratio’s came from the 2007 Financial Statements of Estee Lauder. Ratio| Calculation| | | 880. | . 587| | 1500. 7| | | 1383. 6| . 9219| | 1500. 7| | Return on investment = net before-tax profit / net worth| 711. 0| . 10| | 7037. 5| | ROA| 449. 3| . 1089| | 4125. 7| | Return on Equity = Net Income/Shareholders Equity| 449. 3| . 375| | 1199| | Revenues per Share = Revenues/ Shares Outstanding| 7037. 5| 32. 37| | 217. 4 shares| | Net Profit Margin = Net Earnings/Sales| 449. 3| . 064| | 7037. 5| | Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix Internal Factor Evaluation is a strategic management tool for auditing or evaluating major strengths and weaknesses in functional areas of a business. IFE matrix also provides a basis for identifying and evaluating relationships among those areas. As for Estee Lauder their weaknesses were not as detrimental as their strength nor would they have a long term effect on Estee Lauder. Key Internal Factors| Weight| Rating| Weighted Score| Strengths| | | | 1. Sells products through upscale department stores, specialty retailers, and prestige salons. | 0. 09| 3| 0. 27| 2. Has 26 brands, sells products over 130 countries and territories| 0. 12| 4| 0. 48| 3. One of the first major cosmetics firms to offer online shopping. | 0. 11| 4| 0. 44| 4. Prestige pricing is an effective strategy given the target market. | 0. 11| 4| 0. 44| 5. First company to offer free samples and gift with purchase. | 0. 12| 4| 0. 48| 6. In 2006, the travel retail business comprised approximately 7% of total sales and 20% of operating income| 0. 10| 3| 0. 30| 7. First industry to introduce consistent brand imagery around the world| 0. 11| 4| 0. 44| 8. The company uses celebrities as endorsers in testimonial advertising. | 0. 12| 4| 0. 48| Weakness| | | | 1. Does not sell at lower class retail outlets . | 0. 04| 1| 0. 04| 2. They do not put FDA warning labels on the | 0. 4| 1| 0. 04| 3. Increase of long term debt from 2006 to 2007 from 698. 2 million to 1,404. 7 million| 0. 04| 1| 0. 04| Total:| 1. 0| | 3. 45| SWOT Matrix The SWOT Matrix helps visualize the analysis. Also, when executing this analysis it is important to understand how these elements work together. When an organization matched internal strengths to external opportunities, it creates c ore competencies in meeting the needs of its customers. In addition, an organization should act to convert internal weaknesses into strengths and external threats into opportunities. | Strengths 1. Sells products through upscale department stores, specialty retailers, and prestige salons. 2. One of the first major cosmetic firms to offer online shopping. 3. Prestige pricing is an effective strategy given the target markets 4. First company to offer free samples and gift with purchase. 5. In 2006, the travel retail business comprised approximately 7% of total sales and 20% of operating income 6. First industry to introduce consistent brand imagery around the world 7. The company uses celebrities as endorsers in the testimonial advertising| Weaknesses 1. Does not sell at lower class retail outlets. 2. They do not put FDA warning labels on the products. 3. Increase of long term debt from 2006 to 2007 from 698. 2 million to 1,404. 7 million. | Opportunities 1. Expected growth in the personal products industry will be fueled by the rising demand from emerging and developing markets. 2. Optimization of brand portfolio. 3. Strengthening of global markets 4. Expansion of global markets 5. Diversification of distribution channel| SO Strategies 1. (S5, S4, O2) Create more products. 2. (S1,O1,S3) Adding more online marketing to developing markets. | WO Strategies 1. (W3,O2) Add FDA warning labels to new products being developed. . (W4,O1) Decrease long term debt give opportunity to enter more global markets. | Threats 1. Domination of the Asian department store channel 2. Australia has a slower and difficult retail environment particularly in the fragrance category. 3. Unemployment rate increase will disable Americans to buy the high-end products 4. The use of aerosols fluorocarbons in pr oducts damaging the environment. 5. Animal testing for new products | ST Strategies 1. (T1, S3,S4) Use strategy of free samples and online retail to market into the Asian market. 2. (T2, S4) Give more free samples to Australian market to increase sales. . (S6, T5) Have advertising with celebrities expressing that products are not animal tested. | WT Strategies 1. (W2, T3) Sell to lower class retail chain stores such as Wal-Mart. 2. (W3, W4,W5) Add to label that products used are eco-friendly | SPACE Matrix The Strategic Position and Action Evaluation (SPACE) Matrix, is Stage 2 matching tools. Its four-quadrant framework indicates whether aggressive, conservative, defensive, or competitive strategies are most appropriate for a given organization. After constructing the SPACE Matrix for Estee Lauder, Estee Lauder will fall under an aggressive quadrant. Internal Strategic Position| External Strategic Position| Financial Strength (FS)Return on investment 5Leverage 5Liquidity 4Working Capital 5Cash Flow 6 Total: (25/5) 5| Environmental Stability (ES)Technological changes -1Rate of inflation -5Price range of competing products -4Competitive pressure -4 Total: (-14/4) -3. | Competitive Advantage (CA)Market Share -1Product quality -1Customer Loyalty -1Competition’s capacity utilization -5Control over suppliers and distributors -5Total: (-13/5) -2. 6| Industry Strength (IS)Growth Potential 6Profit potential 5Financial stability 4Total: (15/3) 5| X-axis: -2. 6+ (5) = 2. 4 FS Y-axis: -3. 5+ (5) = 1. 5 CA IS (2. 4, 1. 5) ES Internal External Matrix The Internal External Matrix positions Estee Lauders various divisions in this display shown. From the given information it is recommended that Estee Lauder Grow and maintain. This is based on the EFE IFE Score Averages of 2. 7 2. 5 respectively. They should involve the company in: Backward, Forward and Horizontal Integration, Market penetration, Market development, and Product development. The IFE Total Weighted Scores The EFE Total Weighted Scores 4 | 3 Strong| 2 Average| 1 Weak| 3 High| I| II| III| 2 Medium| IV| V| VI| 1 Low| VII| VIII| IX| Total Weighted EFE = 2. 7 Total Weighted IFE = 2. 5 Segments| $ Revenue| % Revenue| EFE Scores| IFE Scores| 1. Skin Care| $2,601,000| 37. 0%| 3| 3| 2. Makeup| 2,712,700| 38. 5%| 2. 5| 3| 3. Fragrance| 1,308,600| 18. 6%| 3| 2. 5| 4. Hair Care| 377,100| 5. 4%| 2. 0| 2. 0| 5. Other| 38,100| 0. 5%| 3| 2| Total| $7,037,500. 00| 100. 0%| 2. 7| 2. 5| Recommendations We recommend the follow for The Este lauder companies: 1. To respond to the economic crisis if Estee lauder finds new service solutions and ways of utilizing social media to address the consumers new mindset. 2. Come up with brands for lower and middle class consumers. 3. Estee lauder can give out complimentary make-up application classes and free facials to market products. 4. Create less expensive sizes of best selling products and use of discreet pricing at make-up counters. 5. Develop a recycling program for products by giving out discounts when consumers bring outdated and empty make-up containers. 6. Create limited edition products that appeal to the fashion conscious consumer. 7. Shift in preference of products to demographic and cultural regions on how consumers shop. 8. Foreign currency fluctuations affecting the Companys results of operations and the value of its foreign assets, the relative prices at which the Company and its foreign competitors will sell products in the same markets and the Companys operating and manufacturing costs outside of the United States. 9. Social, political and economic risks to the Companys foreign or domestic manufacturing, distribution and retail operations, including changes in foreign investment and trade policies and regulations of the host countries and of the United States. 10. Increased competitive activity from companies in the skin care, makeup, fragrance and hair care businesses, some of which have greater resources than the Company does. 11. The Companys ability to develop, produce and market new products on which future operating results may depend and to successfully address challenges in the Companys business. 12. Changes in product mix to products which are less profitable. Changes in global or local conditions, including those due to the volatility in the global equity markets, natural disasters, real or perceived epidemics, or energy costs, that could affect consumer purchasing, the willingness or ability of consumers to travel and/or purchase the products while traveling, the financial strength of the customers, suppliers or other contract counterparties, the Companys operations, the cost and availability of capital which the Company may need for new equipment, facilities or acquisitions, the returns that the Company is able to generate on its pension assets and the resulting impact on its funding obligations, the cost and availability of raw materials and the assumptions underlying the Companys critical accounting estimates.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Effectivity of Peanut Meal essays

The Effectivity of Peanut Meal essays This study was conducted to determine the effectivity of peanut meal as a potential weed killer. Its objective was to find out if peanut meal would decrease the number of weeds and/or inhibit weed growth and to detemine if the treatment would Three treatments were formulated for the experiment. Treatment A, comprising of the peanut meal, was obtained by extracting the oil from peanuts with the use of a Soxhlet apparatus. Treatment B is the peanut itself and treatment C, the control, is plain water. Three land areas with the same dimensions were isolated for the experi-ment. Ten individual weeds were labeled in each area and observed for changes in At the same time, a germination study was conducted. An equal number of mongo seeds were placed in two petri dishes with osterized peanut meal. Geermination of the weeds and their changes in length were observed. Lengths were After two weeks of treatment no significant changes were observed in areas A and B. The mongo seeds with peanut meal were observed to have relatively less germination than the mongo seeds without peanut meal. It is concluded that peanut meal particles completed for moisture and is not an effective weed killer. The Philippines is greatly dependent on its agricultural produce, the palay, which is processed into rice and is a necessity for both the country and for eco-nomic growth through exports. It is therefore important to be able to produce the highest possible palay yield. This is difficult, however, because of weeds. Weeds have always been hard to control even with the introduction of herbicides into the market. The problem with these herbicides, relatively effective as they are, is that they are chemically based and usually have trace elements in the soil, which may be harmful to non-weed plants like palay. Weeds are regarded as nuisance to the agricultural industry. It is also a troublesome element along highways, rail...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Power Tactics and Sources of Power Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Power Tactics and Sources of Power - Assignment Example Charles was trained to take over from the father since childhood, and he portrayed traits of a great Chief Executive. The training through life involved strict and sometimes harsh treatment from his father that hardened him. Their mother, Mary somewhat protected Bill and David, who were twins. David was athletic and competitive and grew up to be the perfect business partner for Charles. Bill, on the other hand, was the jealous type, always picking fights with David since childhood and often losing. He grew up to be a threat to Charles’s peace, taking Koch industries through strenuous legal proceedings. The brothers owned percentages of Koch industries, each with his shares (Schulman, 2014). Both Charles and Bill Koch had power in Koch Industries. Charles’ sources of power included reward power whereby he was handed the mantle of CEO by his father having been trained since childhood. The father had earlier lost hope in his eldest son Frederick, who was mostly involved in art and theater. Charles also had legitimate power in Koch Industries being the legal CEO. Therefore, he was in charge of many key decisions made within the company and also directed management of funds regardless of how happy or angry others would be with the cash distribution. Charles was well educated in terms of business and market and therefore had expert power which saw him, together with the help of other business partners, grow Koch Industries. Bill’s sources of power included the coercive power that he gained by threatening Charles to make Koch Industries public if he did not meet his demands. These threats were tabled to Charles in writing and got him shaken for some time. Bill always wanted liquidity of assets so that he could benefit from the riches he only had in paper. He even tried to convince Frederick, who had lesser shares in the company to join his course. Bill also had legitimate power in that he owned slightly over twenty