Monday, May 25, 2020

Analysis Of Paul Cezannes Mont Sainte Victoire

One of the most influential painters of the twentieth century was Paul Cezanne. He was willing to break the traditionally accepted artistic practice in order to better portray his artistic creativity. Cezanne was became part of the movement that followed the Impressionists called the Post-Impressionism movement. The artists who were the driving forces behind this movement were Gauguin, Van Gogh, Seurat, and Cezanne. These artists were placed in this grouping because they were the avant-garde artists of the time period, who wanted to be able to express their emotions rather than simply representing what they saw. Cezanne’s Mont Sainte-Victoire seen from The Bibemus Quarry was painted in 1985. Mont Sainte-Victoire is a mountain that is in the South of France and overlooks the Aix-en-Provence, which happens to be the hometown of Paul Cezanne. This work exemplifies the Post-Impressionistic techniques because Cezanne utilized the avant-garde techniques, while at the same time demon strating the relationship between the artist and the work. This work embodies the period style because it contains avant-garde geometric shapes to define the forms, colors, and interpretations that were important to the Post-Impressionists. First off, the harshness of the lines goes hand in hand with the shapes that exist in the work. The shapes tend to be simplified shapes, which demonstrates that Cezanne wanted things to appear as if they could be broken down. Cezanne utilizes an array of geometricShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Paper : Paul Cezanne2048 Words   |  9 PagesContextual Analysis Paper: Paul Cezanne One of the most influential painters of the twentieth century was Paul Cezanne. He was willing to break the traditionally accepted artistic practices in order to better portray his artistic creativity. Cezanne became part of the movement following the Impressionists called the Post-Impressionism movement. The artists who were the driving forces behind this movement were Gauguin, Van Gogh, Seurat, and Cezanne. These artists were grouped together because they

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